Securing Drinking Water Through Wetland Restoration in Uganda
A case study that was included as an example in The Nature Conservancy’s report on accelerating adaptation (available here: This case in Uganda makes the direct link between nature-based solutions and drinking water security in the face of climate change.
Read MoreDeep Row Entrenchment of Faecal Sludge in Small Towns in Uganda
Deep row entrenchment (DRE) was piloted as an innovative solution for faecal sludge disposal and reuse in small towns lacking formal treatment plants and where pit emptiers had to haul emptied sludge over long distances. The project involved collaboration with town and district officials to identify suitable pilot locations. In addition, pit emptiers were trained…
Read MoreLuuka District WASH masterplan
The Luuka District WASH Master Plan reaffirms the commitment to ensuring universal access to water and sanitation services for all in the district. Luuka District in Eastern Uganda has been implementing interventions aimed at achieving the relevant targets and commitments in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus national targets. This implementation has been guided…
Read MoreKaramoja strategic WASH investment plan .
The overall goal for K-WASHIP is to develop a more accurate and localised strategic WASH investment plan for Karamoja Sub- Region to guide achieving universal access to safe water by 2030 as stipulated in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2030 Agenda and Uganda’s Vision 2040. K-WASHIP aims at bridging the WASH service delivery gap through…
Read MoreKamwenge District WASH Masterplan 2020 – 2030
The Kamwenge District WASH Master Plan is an all-encompassing document that provides a framework for coordinating and aligning efforts of all stakeholders towards achieving universal access to WASH services in the District. It is a 10-year (2020-2030) plan which describes the broad vision, targets and strategies towards achieving the desired universal and sustainable WASH services…
Read MoreA study of the pit emptiers’ market- insights from quantitative surveys and qualitative findings
Pit latrine emptying services in several African cities are typically provided by small-scale, private-sector actors. In Kampala & Blantyre, the focus areas of this study, these services are completely privatized or under a PPP with the government. It is (assumed to be) a low-margin, unglamorous, and informal activity. In the past decade, some pit emptying…
Read MorePresentation: Realization of Human Rights to Water and Sanitation: Ensuring Equitable Water Services Among the Vulnerable
The Case for Source Water Protection in WASH Systems – Entry Points and Opportunities
A paper written with colleagues from The Nature Conservancy, Forest Trends, and Tetra Tech/USAID Sustainable Water Partnership on the important crossroads of WASH Service delivery work with Source Water Protection work. Including case studies, this brief paper illustrates the many ways the two sectors overlap and outlines ways to work more closely together.
Read MoreCambio Climático, GRH y ASH: Perfil de País de Uganda
Un estudio de caso de los equipos de Water For People e IRC Uganda sobre los riesgos relacionados con el cambio climático, el impacto en GRH y ASH, y las estrategias de mitigación y adaptación implementadas en los municipios socios.
Read MoreClimate Change, WRM, and WASH: Uganda Country Case
A case study from the Water For People and IRC teams on the risks related to climate change, the impact on WRM and WASH, and the mitigation and adaptation strategies implemented in partner districts.
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