Explore these WASH Room blog posts written by Water For People team members and partners.
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WASH Sector Reflections in India
By Arpita Chatterjee, Water For People and Shiny Saha, IRC
After conversations on the need to explore ways to enhance the Government of India’s efforts to ensure water and sanitation services to all, IRC, Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) India and Water For People India organised in November a meeting with the Aga Khan Development Network, Arghyam, Tata Trust, UNICEF, and WaterAid India to brainstorm on the methodology for a joint sector reflection. Here’s a summary of the event and our takeouts.
Navegando las aguas de comunicación para el sector WASH
Por Alejandra Catter
En este blog se hablarán de las experiencias y aprendizajes sobre el rol fundamental de la comunicación eficaz para lograr cambios positivos en el sector de agua y saneamiento.
Navigating the Waters of Communications for the WASH Sector
By Alejandra Catter
In this blog, we’ll discuss experiences and learnings regarding the critical role of effective communications in creating positive change in the water sector. Here are some challenges and takeaways that may help those who are starting to navigate in the not-so-calm waters of communications for the WASH sector:
¡Grupos de interés! ¿Quiénes son y qué es lo que quieren?
Por Yvonne Lugalli
Llevar a cabo un análisis de los grupos de interés para un proyecto WASH incluye pasos muy específicos, sin embargo, aunque el proceso pueda parecer estándar, hay más que considerar de lo que dicta la teoría. En este blog, Yvonne Lugali compartirá su experiencia en la gestión de grupos de interés en proyectos WASH para garantizar un resultado satisfactorio para todos.
Stakeholders! Who are they and what do they want?
By Yvonne Lugalli
Conducting a stakeholder analysis for a WASH project includes very specific steps, however, while the process may seem standard, there is more to consider than what theory dictates. In this blog, Yvonne Lugali will share her experience in managing stakeholders in WASH projects to ensure a successful outcome for everyone.
Hat Trick in Peru – WASH System Strengthening in Action
By Mark Duey
Mark Duey, Co-CEO of Water For People, shares the achievements and challenges faced in the process of achieving systems strengthening in Peru at three different levels.
Triplete en Perú – Fortalecimiento del Sistema WASH en Acción
Por Mark Duey
Mark Duey, Codirector Ejecutivo de Water For People, comparte los logros y dificultades experimentados en el proceso de lograr el fortalecimiento de sistemas en Perú en tres diferentes niveles.