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    Karamoja strategic WASH investment plan .

    August 17, 2023

    The overall goal for K-WASHIP is to develop a more accurate and localised strategic WASH investment plan for Karamoja Sub- Region to guide achieving universal access to safe water by 2030 as stipulated in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2030 Agenda and Uganda’s Vision 2040. K-WASHIP aims at bridging the WASH service delivery gap through…

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    Isoko Y’Ubuzima Newsletter and Year 1 Summary

    December 12, 2022

    Isoko y’Ubuzima is a WASH USAID-funded project implemented by Water For People in Rwanda. This is a summary of the achievements after year 1 of activities implementation.

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    Lineamientos de Política para las Zonas Rurales Dispersas

    April 5, 2022

    Desarrollo de una reflexión entorno a la experiencia de la implementación del piloto modelos de intervención para las zonas rurales dispersas. En conjunto con entes del gobierno y otras ONG se buscó el desarrollo de lineamientos de política que permitieran a los municipios alcanzar la Cobertura Total en agua y saneamiento con un enfoque de…

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    The Costs of Sustainable Water Supply at Network Kiosks in Peri-Urban Blantyre, Malawi

    April 22, 2021

    Research paper that looks at the water supply kiosks in Blantyre and the debate regarding the tariffs charged for their use. The paper argues that the running costs cannot be born solely by the end user or the Water User Associations (WUA), and that there is a need for reforms to reduce kiosk tariffs as…

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    Resolución Gerencial Regional en Perú

    April 1, 2021

    Para evitar la propagación de la COVID- 19, el Gobierno del Perú decretó en marzo del 2020 el estado de emergencia nacional el cual ordenó cumplir el aislamiento obligatorio. Ante la paralización de casi todo el país, era necesario que los servicios básicos continúen. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) indicaba, “el lavado de…

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    Partnership Between Local Government and Development Partners to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6: Case of Rulindo District

    July 28, 2020

    This article discusses the outcomes of a joint partnership between the Government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC), the district of Rulindo, and Water For People that aims at improving people’s quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking water, adequate sanitation, and hygiene and…

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    Guía Metodológica para la Formulación del Plan Estratégico Municipal de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (PEMAS)

    July 15, 2020

    Una Guía Metodológica elaborado por el Consejo Nacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento de Hondruas con el objetivo de estandarizar e institucionalizar a nivel nacional los lineamientos, criterios y orientaciones metodológicas, articulándolos con el niel intermedio y municipal y generando meconismos o instancias permanentes de participación ciudadana. 

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    Guia para implementar expriencias de siembra y cosecha de agua para uso poblacional en el área rural

    March 16, 2020

    La presenta guía recoge la experiencia desarrollada en el centro poblado Sapuc (Asunción – Cajamarca) y busca brindar las pautas necesarias para asegurar la dotación del servicio de agua para uso poblacional. La guía cuenta de 6 partes diferenciadas: i) el ciclo del agua y su relación con la cuenca, ii) el contexto para la…

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    Africa Water Resources Management Experience

    March 16, 2020

    During the WATERAID East African Program conference on Climate Resilient WASH Convention, held in Kigali from March 25-27th 2020, Water for People presented the following three posters: 1. BUILDING CLIMATE CHANGE RESILIENT WASH STRUCTURES: A case of Chikwawa District in Malawi 2. WETLAND RESTORATION AS PART OF AN IWRM APPROACH TO ENSURING SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY OF…

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    Strengthening Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Systems – Concepts, Examples, and Experiences

    March 10, 2020

    An Agenda for Change resource that aims to: 1) describe the concepts and framework that Agenda for Change Members use for analyzing systems and expanding on how they use these tools in specific contexts to identify potential entry points to influence and strengthen systems; 2) provide practical examples of systems strengthening efforts in different contexts…

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