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    SDG 6

    Strengthening Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Systems – Concepts, Examples, and Experiences

    March 10, 2020

    An Agenda for Change resource that aims to: 1) describe the concepts and framework that Agenda for Change Members use for analyzing systems and expanding on how they use these tools in specific contexts to identify potential entry points to influence and strengthen systems; 2) provide practical examples of systems strengthening efforts in different contexts…

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    Fortalecimiento de los Sistemas de Agua Potable, Saneamiento e Higiene: Conceptos, Ejemplos, y Experiencias

    March 10, 2020

    Un recurso de la Agenda para el Cambio que tiene como objetivo: 1) describir los conceptos y el marco que los Miembros de la Agenda para el Cambio utilizan para analizar los sistemas y ampliar la forma en que utilizan estas herramientas en contextos específicos para identificar posibles puntos de entrada para influir y fortalecer…

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    Why you should care about ‘systems’ in WASH

    March 22, 2018

    A DevEx article featuring Water For People and other Agenda For Change partners on the importance of systems-change (versus hardware and technology) in the WASH sector. Why you should care about ‘systems’ in WASH The focus in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sector needs to shift from the number of pumps or latrines built to…

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